
Maximize Your Auto Accident Claim.
Start by Getting a Copy of Your Accident Report.

You're legally forced to purchase auto insurance, shouldn't you be allowed to collect on that investment?

Five steps to getting the financial compensation you deserve after being in an auto accident.

If you're a victim of a car accident, chances are you'll lose two ways. First, you will immediately become the owner of a devalued vehicle because your car or truck was in an accident, even if it gets repaired. Secondly, you'll experience the loss of your personal and work time while dealing with insurance issues, doctors' visits, and travel inconveniences.

Here are five steps that highly successful people follow to collect their fair compensation for auto accident losses.

1. Get a FREE copy of your accident report
2. Hire professional representation
3. Document the accident
4. Hire an investigator if needed
5. Hire a talented settlement negotiator

Many people don't consider hiring an attorney to help with auto accident issues unless they're injured, but highly effective legal professionals know how to navigate the insurance compensation process.

You are legally forced to buy auto insurance, shouldn't you receive a fair payout from the insurance industry when you become a victim of an auto accident?

Insurance companies are using the legal system to force you to buy their services, yet they minimize your claim. Shouldn't you have legal representation to help you maximize the return on your auto insurance investments? Use your FREE Accident Report to consult with a professional to learn if you're maximizing your claim. It does't cost you any money. You deserve to collect for all the accident damages that you're owed. That's only fair!

Here's a check-list of damages auto accidents cause. An experienced professional can help you determine which damages might apply to your auto accident.

Economic Damages

Repair costs
Vehicle rental
Vehicle replacement
Diminished vehicle value
Higher Insurance Premiums
Missed earnings
Inability to earn a livelihood
Inability to get around
Loss of time and money
Poor credit resulting after accident
Need for credit repair over years
Ambulance fees
In-home services
Loss of future wage-earning capacity
Credit loss that can occur while you're dealing with your settlement

Non-economic Damages

Pain and suffering
Loss of affection or companionship
Loss of consortium
Emotional distress
Fear of driving or riding in a vehicle
Disability or disfigurement
Loss of the enjoyment of life

Punitive Damages

These are damages not awarded to compensate injured plaintiffs but to punish defendants whose conduct is considered grossly negligent, malicious or reckless—like drunk or drugged driving.